Avery morning i want see you i want open my eyes with you are lovely voice with milky smile
i miss you all of day when i see sky i feel u watch me with u r dark blue eyes i miss u my baby
u know when u see me first time you really make my heart beat feast .but now why u make me crying child
every day i want sleeping in you arms live in your heart nobody can make me happy without you
plz............comeback..................................comeback my honey ................sweet heart comeback
every nights my eyes full of with tears in you are sweet memories i want try to forget you but it not
possible for me come back honey come back i still missing you oh dear honey oh honey oh honey
i have great hope one day you come back in my life with full of joy and feeling i am waiting honey
plz come and make me happy and caught me in you are arms my lips is waiting ............................................................................................... i m still waiting for you plz come back
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